Sunday, October 14, 2007

Maybe Rudy's Secret is, uhm, "Family" Values

If you believe (not that I do) one of the strands of the JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theory, the Mafia resented that they helped Mayor Daley of Chicago steal the election for JFK and Attorney General RFK started arresting mobsters.

There's evidence emerging that perhaps, just maybe, native New Yorker Rudy Giulani's success in prosecuting people such as John Gotti and his cohorts came from inside information from competing interests in organized crime. They were all from Rudy's old neighborhood.

Rudy (this was a while back; a couple of wives ago) put Gotti in the slammer and it propelled Giuliani into the Mayor's office of New York. Uhm, just after the *first* Islamist attack against the World Trade Center. And while he was Mayor, Rudy refused to coordinate communications between first-responders and (although he was advised against it) placed NYC's Crisis Center in... the World Trade Center instead of in a less-likely target such as Brooklyn or Queens. There were city-paid rentals to be bestowed, you see, in the WTC.

Just how did that work out on 9/11, Rudy?

No one has ever been elected Mayor of NYC without embracing some element of corruption.

That's just the way it is in NYC.

No matter how much you hate Hillary Clinton, her closet has been cleared of just about every imaginable skeleton. Just wait 'til we learn about Rudy.

Romney (who believes Jesus was an American) and McCain (who believes -- today anyway -- that America hasn't killed enough brown people in the MidEast) and Huckabee (who believes America really craves another Arkansan from Hope) and Brownback (who believes every sperm is sacred) and Fredrick of Hollywood (who believes the Presidency might be a juicy role) will work hard to reveal the shortcomings of Rudy ("Honk if I've Married You") Giuliani.

I, for one, would put any of the Democratic candidates up against any of the Republic Party's hopefuls.

As George WMD Bush said, "Bring 'em on!"

What could possibly go wrong?

Friday, October 12, 2007

The George WMD Bush Presidential Library

Plans have been released for the G.W. Bush Presidential Museum, which will contain the following:

The Alberto Gonzales Room - Where you can't remember any of the exhibits.

The Hurricane Katrina Room – (Still under construction.)

The Texas Air National Guard Room - You don't have to even show up.
The Walter Reed Hospital Room - They won't let you in.

The Guantanamo Bay Room - They won't let you out.

The Weapons of Mass Destruction Room – Nobody can find it.

The War in Iraq Room - After your first tour is finished they can force you to go back again and again and again…

The Dick Cheney Room - In an undisclosed location, you can shoot a close friend in the face.

Later, check out the K-Street Project Gift Shop where you can buy an election, or if no one’s monitoring it, steal one; and don't forget to visit the Men's Room for a meet and meat with a Republican Senator!

There will also be an entire floor devoted a 7/8 scale model of the President's ego.

When asked about the plans, the President said he didn't care so much about the individual exhibits as long as his museum was “better than his father's.”